
Oct 2024

Understanding the Impact of Medical Debt on Under-Resourced Communities: A Conversation with Jenifer Bosco

Hello Community,

Did you know that over 100 million Americans currently struggle with medical debt? This growing crisis has far-reaching effects, especially for individuals in under-resourced communities. Beyond the financial strain, medical debt impacts access to care, overall health, and long-term financial stability.

In the latest episode of The Healthy Project Podcast, I spoke with Jenifer Bosco, Senior Attorney at the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC), to dive into the root causes of medical debt and discuss practical solutions to address this issue.

You can listen to the full interview here or watch on YouTube here.

Why Medical Debt is So Dangerous

One of the key takeaways from our discussion is that medical debt doesn’t just hurt people financially; it prevents them from seeking care. Many people are so afraid of the potential bills that they delay or avoid necessary treatment. This is particularly true for low-income communities, where the financial burden can feel overwhelming.

During our conversation, Jenifer emphasized the fear and anxiety that medical debt creates, often causing individuals to put off vital healthcare decisions.

What Healthcare Systems Can Do

Hospitals, especially nonprofit ones, have a responsibility to offer financial assistance to those in need. However, many patients are unaware of these programs, or the process to access them is overly complicated. Jenifer stressed the importance of making these resources more accessible to patients who qualify for help.

Insurance companies also play a critical role in alleviating medical debt. High deductibles and coverage gaps are common problems that leave people with large out-of-pocket expenses. Expanding programs like Medicaid can significantly reduce the number of people facing overwhelming healthcare costs.

Advocating for Change

Medical debt reform is happening at the state level, and it’s up to us to support these efforts. States like Maryland and Colorado are already passing laws to protect consumers from aggressive debt collection practices, and more can be done. Jenifer encouraged listeners to get involved, raise their voices, and hold healthcare providers and insurance companies accountable for fair treatment.

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and this cause is especially close to my heart. Many of you know my mother’s story—it’s one of the reasons The Healthy Project exists today. In honor of her journey and the support of those still fighting, we’ve created a special Power in Pink Awareness Tee.

All profits will go to a great cause supporting breast cancer awareness and research. To support this important cause, you can purchase a shirt by clicking the button below.

Thank you for being part of this amazing community—together, we can make real change!

My City My Health Conference Alert!

The My City My Health Conference is getting closer! If you haven’t got your tickets yet, now’s the time. Head over to www.mycity.health and secure your spot before it’s too late! Don't miss out on one of the most impactful events of the year!

Until Next Time…

Got any thoughts on this episode? Hit reply and let me know. And if you enjoyed this, don’t keep it to yourself—forward it to a friend who could use a fresh take on health equity!

Be well,
Corey Dion Lewis
The Healthy Project